PMOD Installation and Maintenance

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PMOD Installation and Maintenance

The installation for all types of PMOD systems starts with the software extraction from the installation flash memory stick. For PMOD network clients this is all that has to be done. Only for PMOD standalone systems and PMOD license server systems, the USB protection key drivers must  additionally be installed and the license file copied to the system/lcs folder.

Installation Account

It is strongly recommended to install PMOD when logged into the account of the user who will later use PMOD. Note that during WIBU driver installation, administrator privileges will be required.

If multiple users need to run PMOD locally, a root installation might still be considered. In this case, the permissions of the PMOD directory and all data directories will have to be opened, and the execution permission granted for the scripts which start PMOD and its servers. Additional permission problems might occur which are sometimes tricky to solve.